Prep momentum!

Friday, Nov 30, 2012


 Preparation is very mental. I was blessed to have a great base support team of Fakhri, my gf, and close friends checking in on me.

 Honestly, it was the best prep in my entire life! Was the easiest to follow, enjoyable with the meal combination and way I prepared the food(cook), Most conditioned I have been too! Never felt a day where I did not accept and enjoy the journey. My mind was committed to what was needed to be done to lock down my goals. When others put their support in me and give their time, experiences and passions into my competing..Your damn skippy!! I will respect that 110% and listen to make sure every day counts.All the way to the day of the show was coasting!

At 9 weeks out I felt a switch turn on and my intuitions telling me..." this is it! The entire year of dedication and sacrifice  needs to be channeled into the now!" Coming from light heavy into middle was a decision I never regret and helped me see my true potentials. Once decided it was GAME ON! I posted visuals of what I wanted to achieve and phrases like " MIDDLEWEIGHT PRO JOURNEY" "and the number "176" for my eyes to fixate on and keep in my subconscious mind.

 Here is about few days prior to weigh-ins for nationals 2012



Let Your Confidence Shine

Thursday, Nov 29, 2012

 DAILY OM from September 2, 2010

At some point in our life there may come a time when we feel insecure about ourselves. We might judge our ability to do something or feel self-conscious about the way we look. It does not matter how this feeling manifests in our life, but it is important to be aware of our thoughts and how they impact our view of ourselves. Once we remember that insecurities are a normal part of life for everyone—even those who appear to be extremely self-assured—we may find it easier to step back from the uncertainty that lies within and take a more realistic look at ourselves.

The desire to improve or better ourselves is a natural response that arises when we begin to compare our lives to those of other people. It might seem, for example, that we do not have nearly as much going for us as our neighbor, best friend, or coworker. In truth, what we think we see about another person is usually what they want us to notice. They may be putting on a mask, trying to make things in their lives seem better than they are. If we were to look at their lives a little more closely, we would also realize that they are human, full of glorious imperfections that make them who they are. Recognizing this may take some time at first. Should we, however, feel our uncertainties begin to surface, taking deep breaths while at the same time acknowledging each one of our gifts will help us become more centered. Doing this allows us to see the wonders that lie within and lets our inner beauty shine forth into the world all the more brightly.

When we hold up such a detailed mirror to our lives and weigh ourselves against others, we are not able to see the things that make us truly unique. Giving ourselves permission to appreciate all the universe has given us, however, will make us feel more secure about ourselves and more able to use our gifts to their fullest.

Daily OM "Accepting Our Calling"

Wednesday, Nov 28, 2012


When we accept our divinity we no longer question whether we are worthy because we know that we here for a purpose.

The issue of worthiness may come up in many areas of our lives, as we ask, often unconsciously, whether we are worthy of success, love, happiness, and countless other things, from supportive relationships to a beautiful home. In the end, though, it all comes down to one thing: our willingness to claim our space in this life as humans on this planet at this time. When we accept our divinity, we no longer question whether we are worthy, because we know that we are meant to be here to fulfill a particular purpose, a purpose that no one other than us can fulfill.

There are no replacements who can take over and live our lives for us, no other person who has had the experiences we have had, who has access to the same resources and relationships, who carries the same message to share with the world. Our purpose may be large or small, and in most cases it is multi-leveled, with important actions taking place on the interpersonal level, as well as in terms of the work we do in the world. Small acts of kindness share the stage with large acts of sacrifice, and only through accepting and honoring our divinity can we know what we are called to do and when.

Ultimately, we are all equally, exactly, completely worthy of being here in this life. Moreover, we are all essential to the unfolding plan of which we are each one small, but important, part. If we suffer from low self worth, it is because we have lost track of understanding this truth, and allowing it to guide our actions in the world. Seeing ourselves as part of something larger, as beings called to serve, is the ultimate cure for feelings of unworthiness. In the end, it’s not about evaluating ourselves as worthy or unworthy, so much as it’s about accepting that we have been called here to serve and taking the steps required to listen and respond to what our lives are asking us to do.


 "from March 17,2011"

Is there such thing as too focused????

Tuesday, Nov 27, 2012

 Many times while preparing for an event we become so fixated on our goals that we forget that the journey to our goals importance.

When I prepare for a contest I not only visualize the end result. I put a plan together for the actions needed to take place on a regular basis to make it happen. 

Sometime we draw so much focus on having to meet a goal or  meet a deadline for what we are trying to achieve, that we often: 

  • overlook the details needed to execute our goals

  • Psych ourselves out

  • over think what is right in front of us as an answer to our best results in and out of the gym

  • Forget the consistency of routine can be var greater then all out for a day or two or trying to overcompensate once and a while to make up for time.

  • Make changes in diet and training too fast

  • Make too many changes at once

  • Second guess ourselves due to a time restraint/pressure

  • Become lost in the "focus Cloud" and miss out on all the average or basics that have already been tried and succeeded.

It i great to have lazor vision and focus on a task to execute it! YET.....Try to step back and approach the goals from an outide point of view and pay more attention to the journey it will take to carry out the goal. Create a routine for action and do not fear change or movement in the plans. Welcome the path and pay attention to details.



Here are my progress pics during prep where I chose to follow a more "instinctive training (40min workouts max in gym) and basic diet practices"(if it ain't broke don't fix it or think too much about what is normally or supposed to be done at this point in preparation!)




Consistency is Key

Monday, Nov 26, 2012

Preparation for a contest is much more involved than most comprehend. Depending on the athlete however; it can relate to the differences among one another's routines based on diet,cardio, training and allowed outside forces/social life or lack there of ;)

In my journey "I" chose to accept what was needed to be done in order to complete my goals.I did not see everything as a big responsibility, but yet each task was seen, committed too, and executed out on the daily! I was not overwhelmed or unmotivated when I was true to my motto of not thinking so much as a whole or entire fortress of "stuff" needed to be done to reach my goals. Instead I chose again to focus on every item in itelf as a routine. By the end of each day I had competed :hours of cardio, cooking,shopping,preparation of meal for 2-3 days,training, responding to client needed of mine,diet write ups,and any addition life events filled in my day. I never focused on each item like this until I write it down today. At this point in prep at 9wks to show time I am on autopilot cruise control go mode! I see the changes to diet,cardio and food preparations via email or phone and done! I get up from around 3am-4:30am at latest to start round 1 cardio for however many min i called for to get the job done and BAM! that what I set the step mill too and GO! I am supposed to eat 1/2 cup rice meal 4 or 2 cups in order to reach my goals and BAM! that's what gets done. You get the point I hope :0)

So here is progress at the focused point and crucial stay on the schedule for show time success.


Pics take about 4.5wks out nationals.





Progress Report 2012

Sunday, Nov 25, 2012

 Onward with diet changes regularly and cardio consistent at least an hour per day as I chipped away towards the task at hand!


I was had about 6 weeks more to go for nationals at this point.


Update from the Journey to Nationals 2012 ATL

Saturday, Nov 24, 2012

 *Here are a few shots from progress after visualizing and commiting to a new task of bringing me in at a middle weight versus a light-heavy.

Decisions were made with my coach Fakhri Mubarak to bring a much more conditioned look this year so we revamped things for the goal.

Always condition is the goal; yet this time required attention to detail and a lot of thought on a regular basis from Fakhri as I continued to place all my focus in getting my 196lb body down to make weight of 176.25lb a little under 9 weeks away.


 Photos taken: End of September 2012


Saturday, Nov 24, 2012


 I have been able to try a few KT (kinesiology) Tapes on the market for sport performance. I have had great feed back from a few,but never like Rock tape has reacted. No workout,cardio or sore post workout day has been the same since i started using Rock tape.

Not only does it come in many colors and widths in addition to waterproof versions; but it can be cut any length from the roll and be jut as affective no matter the amount used for that area. It is a personal preference regarding where you would like to use it. I like to make hapes and cut the tape to be used where I normally feel tension,ach, pain, or place needing more attention to keeping warm during training and nutrients flow to the area. Sometimes I tick the tape taught/tight and other times jut to cover the area. 

Here are a few versions I am drawn more too....

Here are a few place I use rocktape on a regular basis:



Thank you,


FLEX VIDEO UPDATE in the Pharma Freak Zone!

Friday, Nov 23, 2012

 At the beginning of my prep I was grateful to be featured in a flex video which would be the beginning of my transformation to National qualification and show 2012. Video was filmed in NYC thanks too the Flex crew, Rock Health fitness staff and coach Fakhri Mubarak

Also big thank you to the host and sponsor of the shoot Pharma Freak!



Progress update from the start of the Journey to Nationals 2012

Thursday, Nov 22, 2012

 I approached the year 2012 as a chance to grow into a new class of light heavy-weights. 

I was very focused as one should be in order to isolate the want and leave behind the want not. My business did not suffer as I promise to but my energy into clients fiends and fans for what they deserve and for what knowledge I am blessed to learn to be passed on.

Living in southern CA for over 8 years I have learned to isolate myself for events a well as show my true colors in the very personable way I am for my passions of health and fitness. I have adopted a very unique training and diet philosophy over the years as I make it my own and adapted to a spiritual mind muscle connection approach. That said...I train a most know with very much attention to detail. So....

This year...I combined my attention to detail with mind muscle along with the support of one of the best nutritionist in the sport field I believe. I have studied theories and backgrounds of many others take on food for fuel and performance since it has what shaped my life too. I found and continue to find a great fit with one and only Fakhri Mubarak. Over the last year and still today I work with him in overseeing my goals and keeping my motivation for success on high! My energy and success allows me to better focus on all my clients needs as well. I do not adopt a cookie cutter plan attitude by any means and this is a large reason Fakhri and I get a lot so well.

So I look forward to showing everyone a year in review of my journey from light-heavy weights to a revamp in the path to come at it hard core with lazor vision on making "176.25" middleweights which....WE DID get done with style!

A coat to coast drive over 3,000 mile did happen right before the peak of the prep yet was part of the journey! and is still!

Help was provided by a beloved cardio machine AKA Step mill, close fam, friends,my  loyal long term and grateful new sponsors :)


(Taken End July/early August)       TOUCHDOWN EAST COAST WITH THE STARTED FOUNDATION............

To Be Continued

Thank you


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