**Video/Phone services**


Health & Sport Supplement Consultation : 30min


  • Clarity for herbs/vitamins fit to your program
  • Dosages and brand specific to results
  • Diet and Training compliant items
  • How often and duration of time to take.
  • Adjustments based on bloodwork results. 
  • Health and or fitness goal related

Training & Advanced performance call  : 40MIN

$ 111.00

  • Exercises,rep range,rest periods for your needs
  • Body mechanics for individual physique.
  • Focus on lagging areas and imbalances.
  • Build a routine for sport,event,competitionr, health

Spiritual Wellness & Self-Empowerment : 60MIN


  • Uncover subconscious patterns
  • Review egoage sabot
  • Path & purpose enlightenment work
  • Emotional impact on physical and internal health
  • Uncover triggers & responding versus reacting.
  • Building a morning routine for success
  • Work through blocked chakras & strengthen others

Healing & Channeled Artwork  : 8x 11in size


  • Individual energy drawing for heath & emotions
  • Pen & colored pencil artwork
  • Channeled angelic info & energy captured.
  • Aura colors captured upon request.
Physical --Internal--Emotional BUNDLE WELLNESS PACK:


 NeuX in person Training: $300

"Neuromuscular BioHacking Technology"
60-70min session: 
  • Uncover limiting muscle connections
  • Neural Plasticity and muscle improvement 
  • Reduce recovery and fatigue 75+ percent each session
  • 3 x the results of a normal session with 30+ % more muscle activation. 
  • Improves muscle activation post session! 
• Review of training program with recommendations for improvements
• Supplement guidance for maximizing performance and money spent on health.
Uncover subconscious patterns, gratitude, new perspective, and unconditional love mindset for success.
:35MIN Health Supplement call
:40MIN Training & Performance call
:60MIN Spiritual/Emotional/Mindfulness Wellness call
= ***MONTHLY = $888**

              Body Transformation Packages: 



Plan A: 4 week kick start: $397.99

• Customized nutrition plan
• Customized workout routine 
• Cardio recommendations based on goal
• Follow ups via email along the way (1-2/wk)
• Supplement guidance to maximize use and results
Plan B: 8 week program: $ 597.99
• Customized nutrition plan
•Individualized training guidance 
• Cardio recommendations based on goal
• Follow ups via email along the way ( 1-2/wk) 
• Supplement guidance to maximize use and results
PLAN C :12 week Program : $ 1,697.99
Customized nutrition plan
=( 2 planned check ins :txt/email) per week
•one Individualized training guidance plan
• Cardio recommendations based on goal with adjustments based on goal as seen best required.
• Follow ups via email along the way ( 1-2/wk) 
• Supplement guidance to maximize use and results
=(adjusted as seen best intentions during check ins)
One cooking and food tips call (15min) 

Pro & Amateur Extreme sports under many climates and altitudes.

"Maximize your potential,training & results with specified nutrition and supplement guidance"

*Cyclist's (Road,BMX,track,Cyclo-cross, Para-cycling)

*Mountain Biking (cross country,dirt jumping,down hill,free riding..)

*Mountain climbing

Dietary and Supplement specific guidance for: 

"Increase VO2max,endurance,recovery, strength and Look great while maintaining performance!"

 *(Please contact adam@contourednutrition.com for individual quotes and consults)
 Contest Preparation Packages 
   Bikini, Figure,Woman's physique,Mens Physique & Bodybuilding
* Plans begin at the purchased amount of weeks leading up to show date; determined ahead of time.
16 week plan: $2,267.99
12 week plan: $1,697.99
8 week plan:   $599.99
• Customized Nutrition Plan (with changes as Contoured Nutrition sees fit)
• Customized Workout Routine (with changes as Contoured Nutrition sees fit) 
• Cardio recommendations based on goal
• Follow ups via email along the way (1-2/wk) 
• Supplement guidance to maximize use and results
• Recommendations for show tan and suit color/style choices 
In person hr consult: Contact:adam@contourednutrition.com with subject:Hr consult
Off season program: Contact: Adam@ContouredNutrition.com with subject:Off season plan
Final weeks prep alone: Contact: Adam@ContouredNutrition.com with subject:Final prep