MINDFULNESS JOURNEY into SPIRITUAL Presence, EMOTIONAL & Self empowerment Discovery


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Discuss life events to uncover areas to facilitate healing and growth for your self. Work through past and present blockages to encourage : an alternate perspective for revealing a path to feeling empowered  and grounded, oneness mindset, interconnected wisdom, and much more through many modalities. ( sound,community,prayer,etc)

Uncover heightened awareness together for intuition and life path and or purpose. 

Challenge oneself to work through shadows( items not addressed which cycle or appear in our way often ) and other self sabotage tendencies or unawareness.

individual practices to meditate and focus on becoming more still in thought and working with the ego to strengthen self and our learning self within. Increase opportunity mindset and navigate through various perspectives together.

Chakra healing related to heart and throat. 

***upon or prior to purchase contact Adam@contourednutrition.com for calendar availability and choosing the best times available.

Thank you.