A friend of mine I came across in my path has been helping to empower other through her talk show. I have been asked to be a guest and honor the opportunity. She has been very busy each week with great speakers. The Power of Avatar..."Avatar" is said to be one of the most powerful, purest self-development courses in the world. It empowers people to fully create and enjoy the life they want.

Avatar teaches people how to truly understand and apply these concepts. There are local weekend workshops as well as 9-day courses around the country. Each student is guided individually by a trained Avatar Master to reach their maximum potential.

After the Avatar course many people choose to continue on to the upper level courses to deepen their experience of connection, purpose, and higher awareness. Wherever you are on your path, Avatar meets you right there and helps you move forward exponentially.  

My friend: Ariela Sarai, Licensed Avatar® Master, MSW, has worked with people for over 20 years. After receiving her B.A. in religion from Columbia University in 1990, she spent almost 2 years in India- first volunteering for Mother Teresa, then studying Tibetan Buddhism. She considers herself fortunate to have met both Mother Teresa and the Dalai Lama. These experiences have infused her work with compassion and dedication. She also hosts a radio show called "Top of Your Game."

Check out her Radio show schedule....(click)

This monday exciting guest and very interested topic I have experience myself BLOOD TYPE DIETS: 

DR.ADAMO (click)

Take a look into her web site of knowledge,understanding and adventure for yourself the powers to create your power of exponential growth. 

Thank you for your time and I will update when I will be on the air as well.
