What an experience and overall trip! Thankful for the opportunity to compete with so many hardworking people! The support of many close friends,fans, and fam have been great. Here are a few pics from the trip and on stage for pre-judging. I competed in a higher weight class this nationals (light-heavy) and brought the same condition I always like! I am always willing to work hard for what I want in and out of the gym. I am very unique in my dieting,training and cardio mindset. I always have a technique for something. I believe in visualization and mind muscle connection. I practice what I preach and stand behind my new clothing line Muscle Hustle apparel. It is a lifestyle that needs no acceptability by others. It is a passion that I am always finding new motivation for. I plan on taking some much needed time off of looking for shows and instead visualizing and looking for more dense muscle and larger structure yet again! The journey will be full of documented videos,pics and real talk for my friends,fans and fam to keep up with. 

Thank you to all the people who stood by me during the focused times in and out of prep.The support from new haven powerhouse gym where I prepared most of my training,the crew there,Posing Coach Kenny, my Nutrition coach and friend I teamed up with Chris Tuttle IFBB PRO, supportive family , my true and loyal fans; as well as my long time friends who have always been there for me.








Support Husky who came along for the pane,hotel and everything! :)